Airscan and Belfius join forces once again in a new project: Pure Cities

Following the successful launch of the “Clean air for our children” project (Beats for Planet), which aims to improve air quality in schools, Airscan and Belfius are extending their collaboration with a new project: Pure Cities. This time, the project aims to map and improve air quality in Belgian cities.


Vandemoortele Scope Air quality measurement devices for Vandemoortele. Project Overview Air quality measurement devices were configured based on the company’s request of the environmental health and safety manager. On top of it, the Airscan team organised multiple workshop sessions to train the EHS manager in the air quality field and transfer relevant knowledge. Finally, Airscan […]

Plan Air Jette

Plan Air Jette Scope To analyse indoor and outdoor air quality conditions in Jette municipality of Brussels. Project Overview Jette is one of the nineteen municipalities located in the Brussels-Capital Region of Belgium. At the beginning of 2020, the municipality announced the start of “Climate & Air” project. Evaluation of the air quality conditions in […]


Orange Scope Diagnosis of indoor air quality conditions and test performance of the HVACs installed in the office building of Orange, Belgium. Project Overview In 2019 Orange mandated Airscan to evaluate indoor air quality conditions, inspect heating ventilation and cooling system performance and investigate the potential exposure of occupants to air pollutants. Result The Diagnosis […]

Mobius Tower By Imobbel

Mobius Tower By Imobbel Scope Estimate pre-occupation indoor air quality conditions before “WELL – certification” and “BREEAM – certification” process. Project Overview Immobel mandated Airscan to evaluate pre-occupation indoor air quality conditions in “Mobius Tower” in Brussels to verify if the building is capable of passing “WELL” and “BREEAM” certification. The WELL and BREEAM Building […]


Leonidas Scope To analyse indoor air quality conditions in technical facilities of “Leonidas” chocolate factory in Brussels. Project Overview Leonidas is a Belgian chocolate company that produces chocolate and other related products. In cooperation with Securex, Airscan analysed indoor air quality conditions in the technical facilities of the factory located in Brussels. Airscan developed an […]


Interparking Scope To analyse particulate matter concentrations (PM1, PM2.5 and PM10) in car parks across Europe and evaluate the positive impact of the installed purifiers. Project Overview Interparking is one of the major players in the European parking field, with a strong presence in over 300 cities. The company challenges itself by combining innovation and […]

Ghent University

Ghent University Scope Continuous partnership with Gent University in research activities associated with the indoor and outdoor air quality monitoring and analysis. Project Overview Ghent University is a top 100 university and one of the major universities in Belgium. The university has 11 faculties that offer more than 200 courses and conduct in-depth research within […]

The bigger picture of air quality impact

Air pollution is one of the most underestimated problems we face in modern history. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that air pollution is responsible for about 7 million premature deaths worldwide. Although health consequences are not to be overlooked, there’s a bigger picture that we need to look at.