Car-Free Sunday 2022 impact on air quality in Brussels

Car-Free Sunday 2022 impact on air quality in Brussels Context Outdoor air pollution is a major public health issue, according to the WHO, air pollution causes 4.2 million premature deaths per year worldwide. Road traffic is one of the primary sources of air pollution in many big cities and agglomerations. For instance, nitrogen dioxide (NO2) […]

Clean air for our kids: Back to school 2022 – 2023

“Clean air for our kids” is a unique project jointly developed by Airscan and Belfius in 2021. The primary target of the project is to monitor and improve air quality in schools through real-time air quality data.

Press Release Airscanned Building Label

The Belgian company Airscan, in collaboration with inspection company Vinçotte, developed a label that guarantees air quality and makes it measurable, resulting in energy and cost savings.

New WHO air quality guidelines 2021

The World Health Organisation (WHO) introduced new Global Air Quality Guidelines (AQGs) on September 22, 2021. The new version of AQGs was developed on the already available threshold limits that were in place since 2005.

Airscan Certified B Corporation

We are very proud to announce that Airscan, together with her sister companies CO2logic and Greentripper, is one of the very first environmental consulting firms to be certified B-Corp in Belgium.

Air quality standards

Fresh air is a fundamental requirement of life. The indoor air conditions in workplaces, educational centres, hospitals, public buildings, cities and urbanisations where people spend a large part of their life is an essential determinant of healthy life and peopleÔÇÖs well-being.