Beats For Planet

Beats For Planet with Airscan is proud to announce that she joined forces with Belfius to set up a project focusing on measuring and increasing air quality in schools. Belfius was already the first large bank in Belgium to operate CO2-Neutral, she was actively working on lowering the carbon footprint of the Belgian society. The […]

Air Quality in Belgium

Belgium Air Quality

The importance of good ambient air quality in cities has finally received high recognition over the past few years, thanks to more and more evidence proving the direct link of air pollution to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases as well as premature death rates. In addition, the long-awaited update on safe air pollution limits released by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2021 has pushed people to reflect on the quality of the air they breathe. To address this important question, Airscan prepared a technical report delving into the analysis of air pollution levels and their fluctuations over the preceding five years across five cities in Belgium: Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent, Charleroi, and Liege..

Airscan: certified WELL Performance Testing Organisation

Well Performance Testing

On site performance testing is a data-driven approach to verify building performance required for WELL Certification. Through highly trained specialist, professional grade instrument, and precise PV (Performance Verification) protocol, WELL performance testing verifies the quality of building indoor environment regarding Air, Water, Light, Thermal Comfort, and Sound, to ensure the health and wellness for building occupants. Airscan is proud to announce it is now a certified WELL Performance Testing Organisation with certified Well Performance Testing agents operating in Europe and South-East Asia…

What is the Air Quality Like In a Typical One-Bedroom Apartment in Brussels?

What is the Air Quality Like In a Typical One-Bedroom Apartment in Brussels?

In Europe, people spend 80% to 90% of their time indoors. While most modern offices are equipped with efficient
ventilation systems, houses, and apartments often lack these technologies to monitor and improve air quality. Therefore, Airscan conducted a study to evaluate the presence of different pollutants inside a one-bedroom apartment located in Brussels, Belgium. The study focused on VOCs, PM2.5, and CO2, each of which significantly impacts human health…

Air Quality Across Different Brussels Metro Stations

Metro station of Brussels

With its intricate network of metro stations, Brussels serves as a crucial artery for daily commuters and tourists alike.

The quality of air within these subterranean hubs remains a pressing concern. In this blog post, we dive deeper into the air quality across various metro stations in Brussels, focusing on the concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10—two of the most harmful pollutants to human health…