Green building certification

Green Building Performance Verification is on-site testing of sustainable buildings’ features including air quality measurements, water sources inspection, light, thermal comfort and acoustics in line with International green building institute requirements.

Green building performance verification

Airscan provides on-site testing services to meet your BREEAM, WELL, LEED and DGNB goals. Airscan is an accredited WELL Performance Testing Organization (PTO) through IWBI. Our Performance Testing Agents (PTAs), supported by a multidisciplinary team of WELL Aps and sustainability consultants, conduct on-site testing and analysis of environmental parameters to verify indoor air and water quality, lighting and thermal conditions, and acoustic performance.

Certification label BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method)


BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) is a widely recognized certification system for assessing the sustainability and environmental performance of real estate  projects. The obtained BREEAM rating that stakeholders make informed decisions about environmentally responsible real estate development. 

Airscan supports BREEAM Assessments in obtaining Indoor Air Quality credits (Hea 02) :  

  • Dynamic Air Quality simulations in the design phase of the building. The objective is to validate the choice of building materials (VOC-emissions), ventilation design and indoor air quality.  
  • Execution of post-construction (but pre-occupancy) indoor air quality measurement: 
    • Measurement of Formaldehyde following the ISO 16000-3 method.
    • Measurement of TVOC (Total Volatile Organic Compounds) following the  ISO 16000-6 method. 
    • Development of action plan in case levels exceed limits.


As required by the BREEAM certification scheme, Airscan is ISO/IEC 17025 accredited by BELAC under certificate number 730-TEST for sampling air quality using ISO 16000-3 and ISO16000-6 methods. The accreditation Certificate and scope are available on the official BELAC website

For more information about BREEAM Air Quality measurements, contact us. 

WELL Certification Logo. The WELL Building Standard is an international standard for healthy buildings.

WELL Building standard

The WELL Building Standard is a performance-based system for assessing and promoting the health and well-being of occupants in commercial and residential buildings. It focuses on factors like air quality, lighting, water quality, nutrition, and fitness, aiming to create healthier and more comfortable indoor environments. WELL certification provides a framework for designing and operating buildings that prioritize the physical and mental well-being of their occupants. 

Airscan Well Performance Testing Agents (PTA) execute all performance testing related to the WELL certification:  

  • Indoor Air Quality (PA1-PA9) 
  • Water Quality Management (PW1-PW4) 
  • Lighting Measurements (PL1-PL2) 
  • Thermal Comfort (PT1-PT2) 
  • Acoustic Comfort (PS1-PS5) 

Airscan is an approved WELL Performance Testing Organization with certified Well Performance Testing agents operating in Europe and South-East Asia.  

For more information about WELL performance testing, contact us.

LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is the world's most widely used green building rating system. LEED certification provides a framework for healthy, highly efficient, and cost-saving green buildings, which offer environmental, social and governance benefits.


LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is a green building certification program that evaluates the sustainability and environmental performance of buildings. It assesses various aspects, including energy efficiency, water conservation, materials usage, and indoor air quality, to promote eco-friendly and energy-efficient construction and operation. LEED certification provides a recognized standard for sustainable building design and is widely used globally. 

Airscan supports the LEED certification process by offering the following services:  

  • Dynamic Air Quality simulations in the design phase of the building to validate the choice of building materials (VOC-emissions), ventilation design and indoor air quality.  
  • Indoor Air quality assessment post-construction (but pre-occupancy) for VOC, formaldehyde, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, Radon, biological contaminants, etc. 
  • Development of an Indoor Air Quality management plan 
  • Permanent monitoring of Temperature, Humidity, CO and CO2

For more information or to consult Airscan for obtaining this certificate,
contact us. 

DGNB Certification Logo. The "Global Benchmark for Sustainability" among certification systems for sustainable buildings and districts.


The DGNB (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen) building certification is a sustainable building rating system in Germany. It evaluates a building’s environmental, social, and economic performance. DGNB certification assesses factors such as energy efficiency, resource conservation, indoor environmental quality, and site sustainability. It encourages sustainable design, construction, and operation, promoting green building practices. 

Airscan supports the DGNB certification process by offering the following services: 

  • Dynamic Air Quality simulations in the design phase of the building to validate the choice of building materials (low VOC-emissions), ventilation design and indoor air quality.  
  • Indoor Air Quality Testing: Volatile organic compounds (VOC’s), Formaldehyde (HCHO) Particulate Matter (PM), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Radon (Ra), Biological Contaminants and mold. 
  • Accoustic comfort: reverberation testing, ambient noise level, impact insulation testing, etc.

For more information or to consult Airscan for obtaining this certificate,
contact us. 

MyCrest logo


MyCREST, or the Malaysian Carbon Reduction and Environmental Sustainability Tool, is a building certification system in Malaysia. It assesses and certifies the environmental performance of buildings, focusing on energy efficiency, water conservation, indoor environmental quality, and materials usage. It serves as a valuable tool for promoting eco-friendly construction and design in the country 

The Airscan team supports the MyCREST certification process with her accredited facilitators by offering the following services:  

  • Consultation  to guide your project  in achieving sustainability and certification objectives. 
  • Facilitation by accredited facilitator 
  • Calculate, reduce and offset operational and embodied carbon (through our sister company CO2 logic) 
  • Indoor Environmental Quality Assessment: testing of comfort  factors and Air Quality including VOC’s, particulate matter, carbon monoxide etc. 
  • Ventilation and air exchange rate analysis 
  • Noise and acoustics analysis

For more information or to consult Airscan for obtaining this certificate,
contact us.

Case studies

Besix LPA Police Office

BREEAM and WELL certification performance verification testing including on-site testing and laboratory analysis.

Mobius Tower

In this case Airscan estimated pre-occupation indoor air quality conditions before “WELL – certification” and “BREEAM – certification” process.

Denys: Prison of Haren

BREEAM post-construction air quality testing according to ISO 16000 method.

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